Shoshana Zambryski-Stachel
Named after what is presumed to be the largest living organism on earth- a genetically identical cluster of quaking aspen connected by a massive root system that spans portions of Western Colorado and Southern Utah- SZS’ Pando is a series of ink and watercolor works on paper that illustrate human interconnectedness with each other and the natural world. Began at the start of California’s covid-19 quarantine, and coinciding with her move out of Oakland, CA to the forested seaside town of Fort Bragg, CA, the dancing figures in Pando vibrate with a simultaneous sense of purpose and folly, grasping at symbols of potential, death, and renewal. Handmade ink of oak-gall dye reveals clustered specks of resist medium, illuminating the cellular structure of the forms on the page. Pando is a remembrance of nature. Pando is a recognition of human experience. Pando is unobserved but ever-present connection.
To learn more about Shoshana Zambryski-Stachel and her work visit:
@sho.zs on Instagram
For inquiries regarding the works in Pando please email the artist directly:
Cosmic Egg / Atlas Assist, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 9x12
Milk Maid, ink and casein on watercolor paper, 6x6
Veiled Box, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 6x6
6 Stuck in a Box, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 12x9
6 + 6 Eggs Stuck in a Box, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 12x9
Night Monster, oak gall ink on watercolor paper, 6x6
Night Fall, ink on watercolor paper, 6x6
Bleeding Vulture, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 9x12
Pygmalion/Medusa, nib and oak gall ink on watercolor paper, 6x6
Mad Man, ink on watercolor paper, 6x6
Pando, oak gall ink bleeds with nib on watercolor paper, 9x12
Skulls + A Burning Bush, watercolor and ink on watercolor paper, 9x12
Milk Mermaid, watercolor and ink with casein on watercolor paper, 12x9
Quixotic AKA Green Light, watercolor and ink bleed on watercolor paper, two-sided, viewed on light box, 6x6
Quixotic AKA Green Light, watercolor and ink bleed on watercolor paper, two-sided, viewed on light box, 6x6